Person of Interest S5E04

Notes for season 5 episode 4, “6741

01:14 While observing Shaw having a neural control chip implanted at the base of her skull, Lambert mentions that he’d gotten his German Shepherd chipped. It’s not clear if Lambert is ordinarily resident in the UK, but ID microchips for dogs became compulsory in the UK for pet dogs in April 2016, a few weeks before this episode aired.

02:20 A pair of VR goggles are placed on Shaw’s face that still seem futuristic from 2023. Black and white styling, like you’d imagine a circa-2028 PlayStation VR headset might look like. Or, more mundanely, a pair of “light therapy” goggles. They then begin a sort of VR-augmented Ludovico Technique.

03:17 The medical monitor shows Shaw’s “NUERAL FUNCTION” (sp).

07:56 Shaw’s barefoot escape from the facility seems like an allusion to Terminator 2.

30:13 Shaw opens Greer’s arm and pulls out a USB drive. A style of USB-A “Super Mini USB drive” available on AliExpress. Certainly not the sort of thing someone should have implanted in their body.


