Person of Interest S4E17

Notes for season 4 episode 17, “Karma

02:10 2010 Finch uses a voice modulator to make a threatening phone call to Alicia Corwin.

02:58 Finch is using a surprisingly chunky laptop for 2010.

03:45 Shane Edwards is played by Patrick Kennedy, who’s one of those posh “military man in a period drama” actors but, unlike your Damien Lewis or Tom Hiddleston, he’s yet to become a high-profile star.

06:13 “He’s posting all these stupid status updates…” Maybe don’t follow the guy who caused the car accident you were crippled in?

07:45 “Doctor-Patient confidentiality, Finch” says Reese, putting a lampshade on ethical choice they made to bug a psychiatrist office and listen in on at least one session.

08:00 “I’m getting rather good at this breaking and entering business.” Finch is first introduced to lock-picking in season 1 episode 6, “The Fix”.

11:45 The bank account manager is using a Dell 2009W monitor.

19:27 2010-Finch is using a flip-phone. It’ looks like it might be a Samsung S401i from 2006.

21:00 2010-Finch to The Machine “I haven’t given you a voice, so you have nothing to say.”

22:00 Edwards has an Anthora cup in the interrogation room.

27:00 Fusco exhibits such righteous anger about an accused killer having served a short prison sentence, that you almost forget he was the guy planning to murder Reese in the pilot.

29:44 Ah, Edwards recreates the old movie stalker aesthetic by taping fresh photos up of their target on the wall. Because a couple of days out of prison and the killer is back in the darkroom, in a digital-camera dominated 2015. I guess he could have a photo printer? If not, this is the sort of planted evidence that would backfire.


